Friday, February 19, 2010

Save the tiger !

Off late I've been seeing so many ads with some meaning or a message. Climate change and the adverse effects on environment has been running the show since last many months starting with the Copenhagen summit of world leaders. The global climate change, which stems mainly from the burning of fossil fuels and the resulting effects on climate, is a matter of primary concern if we're to preserve the ecological system for the generations to come. Another measure which takes prime importance at this stage to preserve the ecological system is to protect and preserve the food chain and its individual elements. By individual elements I mean the participants in the food chain. One main element is the predator or the one who consumes and sits at relatively higher position in the food chain. Human beings or homo sapiens fall in this category, so do tigers, another mammal. According to World Wildlife Federation (WWF) a quarter of the world's mammals face a high risk of extinction within 30 years!!

I for my side hate or rather would like to stay away from all animals starting from the smallest, an ant, to the largest, a blue whale!!You may call it a phobia or a fear, and in spite of many attempts I've never come to get away with this fear. But that doesn't stop me from thinking of the future, my future, their future and the future of the environment as a whole. Tigers are the largest of all Asian big cats, at the top of the food chain at par with human beings, and also one of the most culturally important and beautiful animal to exist on planet earth. But they are also one of the most vulnerable and threatened species on earth. As per latest reports and expert estimates there are as few as 3200 tigers are left in the wild!! Of the 9 sub species of tigers that existed on planet earth, the Bali, Caspian and Javan subspecies have become extinct over the last 70 years. Wild tigers number have fallen by about 95% over the last 100 years, its range decreased by 93%, and the remaining 6 sub species namely Amur, Bengal, Indochinese, Malayan, South China and Sumatran also risk the same fate due to illegal wildlife trade, poaching and conflict with people unless we do something about it. If we do not respond to the plight of wild tigers and the needs of the communities that share their home with tigers—most of which is outside protected wildlife areas – we will witness the loss of one of the world’s most irreplaceable natural wonders of our lifetime.

For the food chain to persist and for the ecological balance to be maintained it is important that each and every species is taken care of from becoming extinct. by the different governments and others? Encouraging private participation in generating awareness among the general public is what I believe can make great inroads in making them aware of the importance of each species and the importance of individual and group participation in preserving them to maintain the ecological balance. In this regard I feel happy off late when I see the AIRCEL ads which run in between movies giving us a startling insight into the number of Bengal tigers, the sub species in the Indian sub continent, remaining; just 1411 !! Imagine just that many human beings. What would the world come to? Nothing. On similar lines, whole ecology and the very existence of mankind may be at stake due to tigers becoming extinct. Now that is hard to imagine right? But if you remember your science lessons in elementary school you can probably recollect the food chain and importance of each individual species in it. Well tigers and humans are both part of the chain. So tigers becoming extinct, can round up finally to  have an adverse effect on us. Not only tigers but other species also has its importance and significance in the food chain and so we should ensure and take every little step possible to create/maintain a salubrious and  functional ecology.

2010 Year of the Tiger
On February 14, 2010, the Chinese lunar calendar rolls into the Year of the Tiger. The plight of the tigers do not call for much celebration. So lets join hands to do what little possible from our side to save these endangered species. Today as I write this, I pledge and swear to take part in campaigns and promote the message to the general public. In this regard I've started following the activities of WWF and have decided to contribute in whatever ways possible for establishing well-connected protected areas, restore natural habitat and reduce human-tiger conflict. Its your take - survive and let survive or perish. So are you with me?

 *** Images, Facts and figures, courtesy WWF ***

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